sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

Pandas in Action

Pandas at recess, everyday our kids have some time for free games. We are sharing this pictures and you can see them having lots of fun. Their favorites, run , run and run. Slides, colecting flowers ( only those that are on the floor), pretending being some super heroes....Enjoy them!

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Vocabulary Phonic "H"

This is the vocabulary that belongs to phonic H.


This is the vocabulary that belongs to the phonic A

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009

MY Senses

Kinder Pandas was learning about senses, this time they play a game called "Guess...is it salty?...sweet?...or sour?". Have a look of these nice pictures and at the end students did a team work coloring the story about senses.
Hope you enjoy it!


In this activity my students were remembering the numbers, how to write them. They love it, because they have to follow a sequence of activities, first they have to get on the start line, then run and walk through the number that was written on the floor, then they have to get a marker next to the wall and write a big number(on a paper pasted on the wall), finally put the lid on the marker, and came back to the starting line, shouting the name of the number, they had a blast!