martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Fieldtrip to "My Community"

On August 25th, Pandas´ children went to a special fieldtrip. This fieldtrip included some of the important places from our community as the Police Station and the Fire Station. They were so glad watching at the policemen in action, they visited the office, spoke on the speaker, heard the siren, a nice policewoman gave us the tour. Then, we went to a beautiful park in Miraflores, where they had their snack and enjoyed free time at the playground. Finally we went to visit the Fire station, we left some presents, and they chose their teacher to dress up as a fireman.....:):):) really heavy clothes!!!!What a job!!! My bow to you, community helpers, thanks a lot!!!
At the end of the day they had a blast and me too.

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